Data Protection Professionals, 2025 exam sessions kick off!

Proprietary schemes with high technical content

Niche job profiles with high technical content - Knowledge, skill and competence requirements

Niche professional profiles with high technical content

Technician of vintage vehicles and vehicles of historical and collector interest ASI
A Vintage and Historic and Collector's Vehicle Technician is a professional who specializes in the maintenance, repair, and restoration of vintage vehicles, i.e., those vehicles that have special historical and collector's value. These vehicles may include cars, motorcycles, trucks and other means of transportation that, due to their age, rarity, state of preservation and originality, are considered objects of cultural and historical value
CERTILIP Disciplinary Filing - CERTIfication on DysLIPidemias
Clinical-organizational-assistance scope related to the early identification and subsequent care of the patient with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

To view and download the CERTILIP Specification Deposition Certificate click on the button below.

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