Read our latest news on certification of skills for rescue and relief drivers


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Enif, Co.E.S. Italia and ACS Italia announce the success of the first Skills Certification Examination for Rescue Drivers and Rescuers
The establishment of a uniform nationwide certification exam is designed to ensure that all practitioners in the field operate under uniform standards of competence and preparation
Collaboration between APEO and ACS Italia begins
APEO, Professional Association of Oncology Aesthetics, announces that an agreement has been made with ACS Italia as the new Certification Body
Training in Health Care | FAQUASS Advanced Training Course
As part of the activities of CURSuS, LUM University, in collaboration with AReSS Puglia and ACS Italia, conducted the Advanced Training Course "The Facilitator for the Accreditation of Accredited Public and Private Health and Social Care Facilities in the Region of Puglia"
Get Innovation Manager Certification with ACS Italia
ACS Italia, a publicly controlled Competence Certification Body, has obtained the extension of accreditation for the field of “Professional figures working in the field of innovation management”
ACS Italia has obtained the extension of accreditation for the sector Professional figures working in the field of innovation management
ACS Italia, by Accredia resolution dated 13/05/2024, obtained the extension of accreditation for the sector Professional figures working in the field of innovation management according to the UNI 11814:2021 standard
ACCREDIA-accredited ACS Italia certifications for Automotoclub Storico Italiano technical commissioners kick off
In addition to training and refresher courses, the National Technical Commissioners of the Automotoclub Storico Italiano (ASI) have a new certification of their skills. With the technical support of ACS Italia, the certification scheme accredited by ACCREDIA has been prepared, giving body to the new professional profile of "Expert in vintage vehicles and vehicles of historical and collector interest"

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