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Skills qualification path developed with Generali Italia
As ACS Italia we have always been committed to the enhancement of the skills required by the market and companies. With Generali Italia a path has been developed to qualify some specific internal skills
Significant and important agreement signed between ACS Italia and ICMED S.r.l.
On September 1, 2022, ACS Italia signed an important and significant agreement with ICMED S.r.l. It is a great success as it demonstrates the important contribution and work aimed at enhancing and recognizing the skills and knowledge of professionals
ACS Italia throws down the gauntlet-that's the word!
ACS Italia has signed the agreement with IPDP, the professional association of Self Defense Instructors. Following the enactment of CONI Resolution No. 1574, which defines self-defense as a professional activity, ACS Italia has defined with IPDP the criteria and requirements for the certification of instructors
ACS Italia and ISTUM: a partnership for the Sustainability Management training course
ACS Italia and ISTUM - Istituto di Studi di Management inaugurate a partnership for the course "Sustainability Management: Environmental, Social and Governance" related to the UNI/PdR 109 standard
CSQA Certificazioni joins ACS Italia
CSQA, a leading certification body, has acquired a majority stake in the company active in the certification of professions ACS Italia

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