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SME Digitalization Voucher 2025 | Lazio Region

14 January 2025

Lazio Region supports SMEs in adopting digital solutions to improve efficiency and competitiveness

The Lazio Region supports projects of Lazio SMEs aimed at adopting some widespread and transversal digital solutions, suitable for increasing their efficiency and competitiveness.

Eligible projects are composed of some predefined interventions (Digital Diagnosis, Digital Workplace, Digital Commerce & Engagement, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity) to which lump sums are associated.

Applications, to be submitted through GeCoWEB Plus, are started to be processed on the basis of the ranking defined by the scores declared by the beneficiaries in the application, in descending order (alternative mode to “click day”). The scores reward enterprises with an adequate number of employees and added value per capita to carry out the project, more articulated projects (taking into account the limitations provided for micro enterprises), enterprises with a high youth component and those with Gender Equality oe Environmental Sustainability certifications.

Within 30 days of signing the deed of commitment, SMEs must produce an ex ante digital diagnosis signed by an Innovation Manager attesting to the consistency of the planned interventions.

As a reminder, the digital diagnosis - one of the elements financed by the voucher - must be performed by an Innovation Manager certified  in accordance with UNI 11814:2021 or registered in the lists of chambers of commerce, or by an expert in cybersecurity.

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