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ACS Italia obtains extension of accreditation for Project Manager according to UNI Standard 11648:2022
ACS Italia has obtained extended accreditation from Accredia for the Project Manager profile, in line with the UNI 11648:2022 Standard and the SCH 53 Certification Scheme
ACS Italia in Rome Welfair, the fair of doing health care
On November 5, 6, and 7, 2024, ACS Italia will participate in the fifth edition of Rome Welfair, a fair dedicated to healthcare, to be held at the Fiera Roma. The event brings together leaders in healthcare governance, scientific societies and medical technology companies, offering professionals in the field an important opportunity for updating and comparison
Mediterranean Forum in Health 2024
ACS Italia attended the Mediterranean Forum in Health Care to present the project developed with AReSS Puglia and LUM University for the qualification of Facilitators for the 'institutional accreditation of public and private accredited health and social care facilities in the Region of Puglia
ACS Italia is invited to speak at the 8th Mediterranean Forum in Health Care to be held Sept. 18-20 in Bari, Italy
ACS Italia will participate in the 8th Mediterranean Forum in Health Care on Sept. 20 in Bari, Italy, bringing its experience on accreditation models and health care skills growth. During the event, it will deliver the Diplomas of the Advanced Training Course for Quality Facilitators and Accreditation
Enif, Co.E.S. Italia and ACS Italia announce the success of the first Skills Certification Examination for Rescue Drivers and Rescuers
The establishment of a uniform nationwide certification exam is designed to ensure that all practitioners in the field operate under uniform standards of competence and preparation
Collaboration between APEO and ACS Italia begins
APEO, Professional Association of Oncology Aesthetics, announces that an agreement has been made with ACS Italia as the new Certification Body

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